Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Being A Teen On The Streets

With so many of our teenagers ending up on the streets, some in trouble, some on drugs, with nowhere to go and no one to turn to I wanted to post a blog today for them.

I know how it is as I myself ended up across the country out in Texas as a teenager and I was homeless. I hitchhiked many times, slept under bridge overpasses, in an old abandoned bus, on the beaches, on sidewalks and in allies and I ate in soup kitchens, bathed in gas station bathrooms, and begged for change from strangers. I was attacked by 3 guys on south beach in Corpus Christi one time and ended up out in Houston where I was almost sucked into a life of prostitution by a Pimp named Sergio among many other horrible things.

Ending up in Houston was the best thing for me because that is where a lady whom saw me on Westheimer one day reached out to me and told me about The Covenant House and I walked in and they took me in and for once in quite awhile I felt safe. 

The streets can be a scary dangerous place especially for kids. If you ever see a teen in trouble and on the streets or know of any teen who needs help please tell them about The Covenant House. Give them a chance to get off the streets and get their life on track.


Among the services Covenant House provides are:
  • Street outreach
  • Health/Medical care
  • GED High school diploma
  • Job readiness and vocational training
  • Drug abuse treatment and prevention
  • Legal aid
  • Mother/child services
  • Transitional housing
  • Life-skills training

More than just a homeless shelter  

Covenant House is a leading advocate on behalf of street youth – for those who can’t speak up for themselves – at local, state, national, and international levels of government. We are a member of the Non-Government Organization (NGO) Board of Directors of UNICEF, and have taken on a prominent role in The Campaign for U.S. Ratification of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC).

Covenant House Locations and Services Help Thousands of Homeless Kids 

Our facilities are located in Anchorage, Atlanta, Atlantic City, Detroit, Fort Lauderdale, Houston, Los Angeles, Managua, Mexico City, Milpas Altas, Newark, New Orleans, New York, Oakland, Orlando, Philadelphia, St. Louis, Tegucigalpa, Toronto, Vancouver, and Washington, D.C.
Last year, Covenant House Street Outreach Teams and Residential and Community Service Center Programs cared for over 70,000 at-risk and homeless kids in 21 cities in the United States, Canada, and Central America.

And for needy kids all across the U.S. and in Mexico – kids who aren’t near one of our sites and need immediate help – Covenant House also operates two 24-hour crisis hotlines. Every year, NINELINE in the U.S. and Acercatel in Mexico promptly respond to over 60,000 crisis calls from frightened youth – and many of the caring adults in their lives.

Learn more about us:

If you want to help the youth today even more become a part of Wish Upon A Teen.

Please if you know of any of our youth who needs help tell them about Covenant House. Who knows what could have happened to me if that lady had not reached out to me that day so many years ago and told me about them. I may not have even been alive today to write this blog.


Sunday, September 19, 2010

Budget Cuts Affecting Our Classrooms DonorsChoose.Org Can Help!

I have personally seen how Budget Cuts are affecting the classrooms in public schools. Due to a lack of funding I have seen programs and projects dropped at my 2 oldest childrens High School and Middle School already this school year.

Traditional fundraisers are simply played out and in this time of such economic distress people simply will not purchase the over priced wrapping paper, candles, candy etc. that is being sold. Not only because everyone is struggling to make ends meet but because only a small portion of those funds go directly to the classrooms.

So in my quest to find a way to assist one of my oldest Daughter's Teachers in getting what they need to be able to fund their classroom projects this year I found an amazing website which I want to share with all of you today!

Whether you are a teacher, a parent of school aged children or simply a supporter of education this site is for all of you!

 This a great way for Teachers to campaign for what they need and allow their students parents and families assist them in meeting that goal. I think this would certainly bring in more support than traditional fundraisers as I said which are failing miserably and limited in how many people they can reach and only a small portion of the money actually goes to the Students. 

With they can reach a broader audience from virtually anywhere across the internet and with this all proceeds go directly to the classroom!

Here's to hoping that many Teachers & Students will be able to get what they need for every classroom!


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Need help with food? Angel Food Ministries! If you eat you qualify!

Times are so hard for so many with the economy in the USA now and even being able to feed our families has become a struggle.

So today I wanted to bring to your attention a wonderful place that is helping to ease that burden of worrying about being able to afford to feed our families here in the United States.

That would be the most wonderful Angel Food Ministries!

As per their site:
Angel Food Ministries is a non-profit, non-denominational organization dedicated to providing food relief and financial support to communities throughout the United States

There are no qualifications, minimums, income restrictions, or applications.

You can even order your food selections online!
They also accept Food Stamps.

Menus change every month so a variety is to be found as well!
Here are just a few images of some of the things they offer which are at a fraction of the cost of what you would pay at the grocery store!

 This is a great little box here for the kiddos to snack on after school!

They even have Holiday Food Boxes!

 I hope that this will help many of you whom really are in a bind and struggling but still have to feed your family! I personally have not ordered from them yet, but I found my host site online today and today is the deadline for ordering in my area, and I think I might just order a box or two myself! 


Sunday, September 12, 2010

Tired of unwanted phonecalls? Put a stop to them today!

Today I wanted to share with you all a way to put a stop to all those annoying unwanted phone calls!

"The National Do Not Call registry gives you a choice as to whether or not you would like telemarketers to contact you via telephone at your home.  Registering only takes a few minutes and prevents most telemarkets from contacting you.  Your number will remain on the registry permanently because of the Do-Not-Call Improvement Act of 2007. Read more about it at Click here to register your personal home phone number or mobile phone and you should see a reduction in telemarketing calls within 31 days."

Although this service is for the United States there are more availbale to others. I will list some of those I have found so far below.

I personally registered my cell phone and hone phone with the  National Do Not Call Registry and within just a couple weeks the phone calls were cut down by at least 50% and have gotten less and less over time.

Here's hoping we all can eliminate those annoying phone calls!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

9/11 A Day Of Remembrance & Reflection Worldwide

It is with great sadness that I begin my day reflecting upon the tragedy that shook the very foundation of The United States Of America nine years ago today on September 11, 2001 when 19 Al-Qaeda terrorists hijacked  four planes and began a series of suicide attacks.


At 8:46 a.m., American Airlines Flight 11 was crashed into the World Trade Center's North Tower, followed by United Airlines Flight 175 which hit the South Tower at 9:03 a.m. Another group of hijackers flew American Airlines Flight 77 into the Pentagon at 9:37 a.m. A fourth flight, United Airlines Flight 93 crashed near Shanksville, Pennsylvania at 10:03 a.m, after the passengers on board engaged in a fight with the hijackers. Its ultimate target was thought to be either the Capitol (the meeting place of the United States Congress) or the White House.

The destruction and fatalities of these attacks were devastating, and the aftermath and lingering effects of such a tragic event as this is not something that time can ever truly heal. Even though it is 9 years later the pain is still ever present and not something that can subside so easily. So many still mourn the loss of their loved ones, children whom are growing up without their parents struggling to understand why, communities still shaken, people suffering from PTSD from the attacks, families still coping with the fact they never even found their loved ones remains and so many are still trying to comprehend the how and why of the whole situation.

I ask that today everyone put their issues and differences to the side and allow this to be a day of remembrance and reflection not overshadowed by all the religious and political tension that is on the forefront right now. Also keeping in mind that not only were Americans affected by the Tragedy of 9/11 but other countries were as well. There were also lives lost that day whom were not Americans, more than 90 countries lost citizens in the attacks on the World Trade Center alone. So this really is a day of remembrance and reflection not just nationwide for Americans but worldwide for everyone.


In closing I will say my thoughts are with you all today and I pray that one day the world will come together in complete Unity. That everyone will embrace their is only one race THE HUMAN RACE, there is no right religion ALL RELIGIONS HAVE MERIT, war & terrorism ARE PROBLEMS NOT SOLUTIONS and love is unconditional and should be given TO EVERYBODY.

Blessings TO ALL

Friday, September 10, 2010

In a bind? Unexpected Expense set you back? ModestNeeds may be the answer!

Today I wanted to bring to you another website out there that is available to assist people who need some help.

ModestNeeds.Org is not for everyone, but for those who needs basically a little help digging themselves out a hole. It is moreso a place for people who had a setback, not people who are completely down and out and need ongoing assistance. For people who want to be donors and help fund applications, for Social Workers and Non-Profits.


"Modest Needs' grant programs are designed PRIMARILY to assist individuals and families who generally are able to pay their monthly bills with no help from anyone, who don't qualify for conventional types of social or charitable assistance, and who are facing a financial crisis because they've encountered a single, unexpected expense they just can't afford on their own. Of course, we also offer grants that are designed to assist people who are in the process of returning to work, persons who need help to afford accessibility equipment, and small non-profit organizations."

For more detailed information click below

There are 4 options to sign up at modest needs:
  1. An applicant and request help from Modest Needs
  2. As a donor and fund applications for assistance from Modest Needs
  3. As a social worker so that you can use Modest Needs to apply for assistance on behalf of clients
  4. As a Non-Profit so that I can use Modest Needs to apply for assistance on behalf of your organization


It's great to know there are people out there whom truly care about the needs of others. I work for the State of Texas and help others everyday but do not qualify myself to receive the help others get. To receive this help myself is greatly appreciated. I am in tears right now and my heart is smiling oh so bright. I thank you all and please know that you are truly a blessing to me and my son. Thank you all so much and God Bless!
lperry  Houston (TX) | 2010-09-10 17:02 | Read original request
I am writing this to all of the people that chose to help me in my needs at this time. I want to thank each and everyone of you that read my story and then donated the help i needed with all my heart! I am so happy that there are still people out there some where that will help a stranger when they see them in need. My children and i will benefit so much from all your help and although they dont understand all this, they do feel the happiness you have brought to us with your help. Thank you so much our lives just got easier thanks to all of you! Loreena Beltran and children
loreena  Kent (WA) | 2010-09-09 18:35 | Read original request
From the bottom of my heart I thank all of you for helping at this time. I don't know how much longer my tires were going to last, but now I can soon get them replaced and it's due to your wonderful genorosity. I don't know what I would have done without your help. My car is my only transportation to work. Again, thank you so very much for your kindness in my time of need. I will certainly try to help someone myself when my financial situation improves. May God bless all of you!
benben1112  Lincoln (AR) | 2010-09-09 17:22 | Read original request
Dear Modest Needs Donors, I would like to extend my thanks and my gratitude to everyone around the world for all your contributions. There are special kind people like you who care. My appreciation goes out to each of you to make this possible for my husband. Who took the time to read Husband needs C pap breathing machine #165766 I'm so happy that I have joy in my heart. I am very grateful for all the kind help. May God bless you always. Again. Thank you!!!
mariamagda61  Phoenix (AZ) | 2010-09-07 21:37 | Read original request


The Man who started this site is truly an amazing selfless man who gives a portion of his own income to help other people! Amazing!



Tuesday, September 7, 2010

WUAH Everyone has a wish, Anyone can be a Hero!

So today I wanted to bring to your attention the wonderful Wish Upon A Hero Website. 
You can join up and make a wish and/or grant others wishes


The Wish Upon A Hero Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that supports the wish granting efforts of individuals and organizations.

No wish too large. No hero too small.

Cast a wish
Wish Upon A Hero is completely free to its users, allowing everyone who registers the opportunity to cast up to three wishes at a time. Because Wish Upon A Hero is designed to help everyone, wishes can be big or small, elaborate or simple, based on financial need or just asking for a simple favor. 

Be a hero
Wish Upon A Hero is a unique venue for any individual, organization, or company looking to make a difference in someone’s life, or the lives of countless people. Heroes come in all ages and from all walks of life. All of us, from our nation’s most powerful corporations to individual philanthropists, and those with limited financial means, can be someone’s hero: 



This site is a great way to help others and be a Hero. To get some help you may need, something you may want, maybe fulfiill a dream, and you will find yourself helping others along the way.


Monday, September 6, 2010

How to get a free cell phone or discounted landline through the Government

If you can not afford phone service you can actually get free cell phone service or discounted landline service for your home through the Government if you qualify .

Typically if you have income that is at or below 135% poverty level which in most states except Alaska and Hawaii varies but is from $14,621 for a family of one to $49,964 for a family of eight. For every person past 8 in the family you add an additional $5,049

and/or if you receive any of the following you will qualify;

  • Medicaid

  • Food Stamps

  • Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

  • Federal Public Housing Assistance (Section 8)

  • Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)

  • Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) or

  • The National School Lunch Programs Free Lunch Program 


    Having phone service is crucial and people need to be able to contact and be contacted by their place of employment, be reached by their children's schools, their Doctor's and be able to phone for help in the event of an emergency.

    I hope this information will be useful to anyone who is need of a free or discounted phone.


Sunday, September 5, 2010

A Brief Introduction

Welcome everyone. 
I am The Benevolent Virtual Guru!

Why did I choose that name?

Benevolent- I have a desire to help others 
Virtual- I am doing this in the Virtual realm/Online setting
Guru-I will use my knowledge to guide others

What is my purpose?

As stated above this blog is where prevalent issues and needs will be addressed. Where avenues will be given to assist people. Where solutions to problems can be found and awareness can be spread to the masses.

I will touch upon virtually any and all topics in hopes of helping others, informing others, and attempting to bring about social, political, economic, or environmental changes.

Be sure to follow me and feel free to comment here or you can contact me directly anytime with ideas, suggestions,  feedback, issues, etc..

Blessings To All