Sunday, September 19, 2010

Budget Cuts Affecting Our Classrooms DonorsChoose.Org Can Help!

I have personally seen how Budget Cuts are affecting the classrooms in public schools. Due to a lack of funding I have seen programs and projects dropped at my 2 oldest childrens High School and Middle School already this school year.

Traditional fundraisers are simply played out and in this time of such economic distress people simply will not purchase the over priced wrapping paper, candles, candy etc. that is being sold. Not only because everyone is struggling to make ends meet but because only a small portion of those funds go directly to the classrooms.

So in my quest to find a way to assist one of my oldest Daughter's Teachers in getting what they need to be able to fund their classroom projects this year I found an amazing website which I want to share with all of you today!

Whether you are a teacher, a parent of school aged children or simply a supporter of education this site is for all of you!

 This a great way for Teachers to campaign for what they need and allow their students parents and families assist them in meeting that goal. I think this would certainly bring in more support than traditional fundraisers as I said which are failing miserably and limited in how many people they can reach and only a small portion of the money actually goes to the Students. 

With they can reach a broader audience from virtually anywhere across the internet and with this all proceeds go directly to the classroom!

Here's to hoping that many Teachers & Students will be able to get what they need for every classroom!
